Shape the future of electron crystallography with us!

The IUCr (, the IUCr Commission on Electron Crystallography, the ECA Electron Crystallography SIG04 and the French Microscopy Society ( are organising an “Electron Crystallography School” (ECS) as a satellite event to the 33rd European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM33), held in Versailles, France on the 23rd – 27th August 2022. The school will take place right after the ECM33, on the 29th August – 1st September 2022 in Caen - Normandy.

The school will cover diverse theoretical and practical aspects of 3D electron diffraction technique (3D ED / microED) and its application to structure determination of nano/microcrystalline materials of different classes – from inorganic, to organic and biological compounds. The school will include lectures and tutorials demonstrating the use of electron diffraction data for structure analysis. We plan a poster session, where students can present their work and a panel discussion about the future developments of 3D ED.

The school will gather most prominent scientists working in the field of 3D ED and serve as a common platform for discussions between experts in electron diffraction method development, application specialists, data processing and structure determination software developers, as well as companies working in the field of electron diffraction, including TEM manufacturers, companies building diverse TEM accessories (sample holders for specific applications, robust, fast and sensitive detectors, electron beam precession units, etc.) and companies creating dedicated electron diffractometers. The mix between academic experts, regular participants and company’s representatives will provide a unique opportunity to learn about the current state of 3D ED technique and participate in shaping the future of the method.


Important Notes


After this date, applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and free housing will no longer be guaranteed.

9th May: we decided to relocate the school in Caen and offer free accommodation thanks to our sponsors. Financial support from the International Union of Crystallography to assist young and early career scientist is also acknowledged.

5th April: registration is now open (see Registration).

The maximum number of participants is limited to 50.



IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy

The Organizing Committee of the ECS2022 shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science.

At this school no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.

IUCr Gender Balance

The International Union of Crystallography strives to achieve gender balance in all its institutions and activities bearing in mind other diversity needs and its existing obligations to geographic and academic discipline representation where appropriate.

To achieve this aim the IUCr will adopt procedures to promote gender balance in respect of all of its activities including selection of candidates for positions on its Committees and Commissions. Those seeking support from the Union for Congresses, meetings, workshops and schools will also have to demonstrate their efforts to address gender balance.

ECS2022 Code of conduct

Following the Code of Conduct developed by the IUCr Gender Equity and Diversity Committee (GEDC), the ECS2022 speakers, participants and sponsors are requested to:

  • Exemplify the values of respect, integrity and collegiality.
  • Treat others with respect, dignity and courtesy at all times including on social media.
  • Foster a diverse and inclusive environment free from discrimination and harassment.
  • Be aware of conscious and unconscious biases that affect who we tend to favour in our decision-making and actions (e.g. for awards).
  • Maintain awareness of our own conduct and interaction with others when participating to ECS2022 activities.
  • Harassment in any form, including advocating or encouraging harassing behaviour, will not be tolerated.
  • Maintain awareness of the conduct of others, and where such conduct violates the code of conduct and impacts negatively on others, intervene directly or alert relevant officials promptly.

ECS2022 organizers agree with the more detailled IUCr GEDC Code of Conduct available here:

Any violation to theECS2022 Code of Conduct should be referred immediately to organizers (list below). ECS2022 organizers will take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including issuing a warning, immediate removal from the school (without refund), and/or reporting the behaviour to the individual’s employer, funding agencies and relevant authorities.


The organizers

Philippe Boullay, Caen, France – School director

Stéphanie Kodjikian, Grenoble, France – Co-chair of ECA Electron Crystallography SIG04

Tatiana Gorelik, Ulm, Germany – Chair of ECA Electron Crystallography SIG04

Mauro Gemmi, Pisa, Italy – Chair of IUCr Commission on Electron Crystallography


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